Legal funding when it matters most.

Pre-settlement funding with zero risk.

zero risk • no credit check required

No risk, no credit check. Keep the money no matter the outcome of your case.

  • Get your money fast

    You can receive your money in 24 hours.

  • No credit check needed

    Your case is all that’s required to get your money.

  • Super simple process

    No red tape, we make it easy every step of the way.

We pay fast.

Because life can’t wait.

Pre-settlement funding can help to pay living expenses and legal costs while you wait on your settlement. Pre-settlement funding is not a loan. You are not borrowing money from a company that you must pay back over a set number of years. Instead, you are selling a portion of future settlement proceeds in exchange for an advance.

Get money before your case.

Pre-settlement funding with zero risk.

zero risk • no credit check required

Get your money quick. We make it easy to recieve your payment.

  • Apply online or call us directly

    Choose your way of applying with our no fuss application process.

  • We’ll talk with your attorney

    We have staff ready to handle any legal discussions with your attorney.

  • Get your money faster

    We streamline the process to help you get your money quickly.

Have questions? Call today: (718) 269-3909